I've begun recording audio versions of my books, after blabbing about it forever. It's a bit daunting, but fun! I'll keep you posted.


P.S.  If you've read 'Nicaragua Story' or 'Ta Ta for Now,' my newest books, please review them on Amazon. Reviews are the gifts that keep on giving!  

Thanks in advance.

3-27-24.  Well….I MIGHT be getting ready to announce a new book on the way. It’s been in the works for a while, and might just start coming to fruition. STAY TUNED!

October 9, 2023. Doing some revisions on some of my titles right now

— including an interesting 'twist' in 'I Did Inhale.'


Thanks for all the reviews so far on 'Ta Ta for Now.' Need more, of course, but the ones so far are great!

I've got 3 book-signings on Kaua'i during the month of October. Always awesome to meet new readers.

And this is my cat, White Boy, who goes cross-eyed when he's in mild distress. <3 

June 1, 2023 ~


SINCERE thanks to all who've pre-ordered Ta Ta for Now—the Movie!

Today's the last day of the discount—but still time to get your copy for only $12.99. Tomorrow, June 2, price goes to $15.99.

It's been FUN working on this, and I think you're gonna love it!




May 12, 2023


       TA TA FOR NOW' is complete, finished, done!

       Click on the pre-order link above to nab a copy while the $3 discount is in effect (until June 2). After that, price goes to $15.99. (Note, due to the screenplay format of this book, there won't be an ebook.) 

     So what's the movie about? Well...I won't say much  because there are surprises throughout the script. But it's fast paced, quirky, light-hearted, and even sentimental in spots.

       Snatch your discount! 

       Thanks in advance. I can't wait to hear your impressions!!   : ))



PS  If you're on Kaua'i, I'm signing books at Talk Story Book Store in Hanapepe on Friday evening, May 26, at the street fair.



Out of the blue!

       New book coming!

          I decided suddenly, at the suggestion of a friend who'd previously read it, to make one of my screenplays into a book. 

        Now it's going to press in a few weeks, in original screenplay format. (Screenplays are fun, especially if you've never read one).

         STAY TUNED. More info soon — about the story, a peek at the cover, release date, and pre-order opportunities. 

         We're going to the movies!


Wendy  xx  (head down for weeks)

P.S. There may be a 'discount' before release day for those on my email list, so sign on if you haven't yet!